E-mail: leonardo@sica.adv.br
Short Biography: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JKm9CiNhgc
Graduated in Law from the Law School of the University of São Paulo (1996);
Doctoral degree (2008) and master’s degree (2002) in Criminal Law awarded by the Law School of the University of São Paulo.
President of the São Paulo Bar Association (www.aasp.org.br);
Author of Justiça restaurativa e mediação penal [Restorative justice and criminal mediation] (Lumen Juris, 2007) and Direito penal de emergência e alternativas à prisão [Emergency criminal law and alternatives to prison] (Revista dos Tribunais, 2002);
Coordinator and co-author of the book, Responsabilidade penal na atividade econômico-empresarial [Criminal responsibility in the business-economic activity (QuartierLatin, 2010);
Co-author of Código Penal Interpretado [Interpreted Criminal Code] from Editora Manole (1st edition, 2011);
Co-author of the book, Reforma Criminal [Criminal Reform] (Revista dos Tribunais, 2004) and Dicionário Brasileiro de Direito Constitucional [Brazilian Dictionary of Constitutional Law] (Saraiva, 2007, wrote entries on criminal matters);
Author of the books, Justiça restaurativa e mediação penal (Lumen Juris, 2007) and Direito penal de emergência e alternativas à prisão (Revista dos Tribunais, 2002);
Coordinator and co-author of the book, Responsabilidade penal na atividade econômico-empresarial (QuartierLatin, 2010);
Co-author of Código Penal Interpretado from Editora Manole (1st edition, 2011);
Co-author of the book, Reforma Criminal (Revista dos Tribunais, 2004) and Dicionário Brasileiro de Direito Constitucional (Saraiva, 2007, wrote entries on criminal matters).
Rua Fidêncio Ramos, 160 I cj. 1508 I Vila Olímpia I São Paulo I SP I CEP 04551-010
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